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Dog Tooth Decay Stages: Identifying and Treating Dog Dental Issues

Dental health is essential for dogs, much like it is for humans. Just as people can suffer from tooth decay and gum disease, so can our canine companions. Understanding the stages of dog tooth decay can help pet owners recognize early signs and seek timely care, which is crucial for maintaining your dog’s overall health…

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Scruffing a Cat: When and How to Use This Handling Technique

Scruffing a cat is a handling method where a cat is gently held by the skin at the back of its neck. This technique can sometimes mimic how a mother cat carries her kittens, which might suggest it is a natural and soothing action. However, the use of scruffing should be approached with care and…

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petting dogs head

Top 5 Dog Poisoning Signs

Top 5 Dog Poisoning Signs When our dogs are not feeling well, it can be a very worrying time for any pet owner. Knowing the signs of dog poisoning can help you act quickly and get your beloved pet the help they need. We aim to inform pet owners about the top five signs of…

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cat in litter box

Constipation in Cats: What Every Pet Parent Should Know

Constipation in Cats: What Every Pet Parent Should Know When your cat is having trouble in the litter box, it’s something you want to address right away. Constipation in cats is a common issue that many pet owners face but might not know how to handle. We’ll explore what causes this uncomfortable condition, how to…

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dog laying on couch

Osteoarthritis in Dogs: Symptoms and Relief

Osteoarthritis in Dogs: Symptoms and Relief When our beloved dogs start to slow down or show signs of discomfort, it can be a worrying time for any pet owner. There is a common condition that affects many dogs as they age: osteoarthritis. We’ll explore what osteoarthritis in dogs is, how to spot the signs, and…

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dogs playing

The Importance of Spay and Neuter

The Importance of Spay and Neuter This is a very important discussion about taking care of your pets in a way that helps them live a happier, healthier life. Today, we’re talking about why it’s so important to spay and neuter your pets. This practice is not just about controlling the pet population; it’s also…

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Owner’s Guide to Puppy Vaccinations

Owner’s Guide to Puppy Vaccinations We’ll share important information to help you take the best care of your new pet. Vaccinations are a key part of keeping your puppy healthy and happy throughout its life. If you’re a pet owner looking for reliable advice, you’ve come to the right place. Should you have any questions…

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Dog chewing on bone

The Importance of Dog Dental Health

The Importance of Dog Dental Health Taking care of our pets means looking after every part of their health, and that includes their teeth! Many pet owners might not think about how important it is to keep their dog’s teeth clean and healthy. We will touch on why dog dental health is so important and…

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Woman on the phone with her dog

Never Miss a Beat! Download Our App for Appointment Reminders, Updates, & More

Never Miss a Beat! Download Our App for Appointment Reminders, Updates, & More Taking care of your pet means staying on top of their health needs, appointments, and the latest updates from your trusted veterinary practice. That’s why we’re excited to talk about how Lake City Animal Hospital’s new app can make managing your pet’s…

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cat outside

Vaccines Recommended for Outdoor Cats

Vaccines Recommended for Outdoor Cats Taking care of your outdoor cat involves more than just providing them with love and attention. It also means making sure they’re protected against diseases they might encounter outside. We will explore the vaccines your outdoor cat needs to stay healthy. If you have questions or need more details, feel…

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