Cat Allergies: Symptoms to Look For in Lake City, FL
Have you noticed your cat sneezing or reacting more to outdoor allergens? If yes, there is a chance that your cat has allergies. Don’t worry though, allergies are not contagious nor fatal! They are common in all animals and are easy to live with!
Although there is no cure for cat allergy reactions, there are preventative techniques and ways to manage the symptoms. First, you need to know what the symptoms of cat allergies are.

What are Cat Allergies?
Cat allergies are allergic reactions your cat has to some kind of allergen. Sometimes the allergen comes from outdoors or from ingesting foods. It is possible for your cat to react negatively to foods as they grow older.
Interestingly, cats develop allergies later on in life. It is rare for a kitten to be born with allergies. As your cat’s body changes though, so does their immune system and allergies. These allergic reactions are common and non-life threatening.
Common Cat Allergies
What are the most common cat allergies? It depends on the exact category. There are two major types of common cat allergies including environmental allergens and food allergens.
Environmental Allergens
Environmental allergens is any allergen that affects your cat. Not all cats have the same types of allergies though. For example, you may have a cat that sneezes or has runny eyes when exposed to dust, while another may react poorly to pollen or mold.
The most common types of environmental allergens that can affect cats are:
- Pollen
- Trees
- Dust
- Mold
- Fleas
- Ticks
Your cat may start to show signs when they inhale the allergens, touch the allergens, or accidentally breathe it in. Fleas jump from host to host and are technically considered a skin allergy.
Food Allergens
Food allergens make your cat react similarly, but only when the food is ingested. Some foods are harder for cats to digest and cause symptoms that are similar to food allergens. The only way to know if your cat is reacting to a food negatively because of an allergic reaction is to perform tests through the vet. Allergy tests, however, are not fully accurate and you may need to document your cat’s reaction and diet until a food is discovered.
Symptoms to Look For
There are a lot of symptoms and signs that can indicate your cat is having an allergic reaction. However, because there are so many symptoms it can make it hard to understand what exactly the allergen is.
The signs that you should look out for when it comes to an environmental allergy are:
- Sniffling
- Dry nose
- Red watery eyes
- Crusty eyes
- Frequent sneezing
The way your cat’s body reacts to skin and food allergies are completely different though. When your cat consumes something that their body is trying to reject, they can’t digest it properly. This lack of digestion leads to stomach aches, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and exhaustion.
If the allergen touches your cat’s skin or coat, you may notice that they are scratching heavily to get relief from the itchy feeling. This can leave your cat’s skin and coat with a lack of hair as well as red and raw.

How to Treat Cat Allergies
Usually, cat allergies go away on their own. As long as your furry friend is not exposed to their allergen, they won’t react negatively. However, it is not always possible. The only ways to treat cat allergies is by treating the symptoms.
If the symptoms are a skin rash or dry condition, there are over-the-counter lotions and ointments that can provide those areas with moisture.
Once your cat is struggling with their stomach and digestive system, you may need to change their diet and provide them with supplements that can aid in digestion. This will not cure your cat’s allergies but can decrease the severity of the symptoms. It is also important to note that as your cat ages, their allergies may change or disappear entirely.
Are Cat Allergies Dangerous?
You can breathe a breath of relief when you treat that cat allergies are not dangerous! While it may be uncomfortable for your cat friend, it does not change their life expectancy or quality of life. Although this is the case, you may still want to take your cat to their vet for further checkups.
Preventing Cat Allergies
There is no one way of preventing cat allergies. You just need to be vigilant and understand what your cat cannot be exposed to. For instance, if they are allergic to a specific type of food like chicken or eggs, you will need to carefully read and examine your cat’s food and treats.
If the cat allergy is an environmental allergen, the most you can do is lower the chances by decreasing their outside play. If dust is the culprit, you will need to clean your home frequently to dispose of the risk.

In conclusion, it is never a good feeling to watch your cat friend react negatively to an allergen. While their sniffles, dry nose, and red eyes are irritation, it is not life-threatening. You should still try and relieve the symptoms though to provide your cat with relief!